New Global Change Bio publication

Figure 4 demonstrates positive relationship between species' range-wide average annual temperature and their mean shift in occupancy probability between the 1970s and 2010s. Shaded regions indicate Bayesian posterior predictive intervals while points represent the individual species in our post hoc analysis.

Check out lab alumnus Vaughn's latest publication of PhD dissertation research.
Rising minimum temperatures contribute to 50 years of occupancy decline among cold-adapted Arctic and boreal butterflies in North America (published in Global Change Biology).
This research uses presence-only data to model 90 butterfly species occupancy probabilities. The results demonstrate that cold-adapted species are far more often in decline compared with their warm-adapted, more southernly distributed counterparts.

This work is both an important contribution to ecological knowledge and advances methods for applying presence-only data, the most abundant source of biodiversity data, for inferring changes in species distributions.